Apple Website Review

What Makes Apple's Site Successful?

I really appreciate how professional Apple's website is. Immediately, the first impression expresses high quality. The navigation is really easy to follow, especially with being able to click on miniature icons of the products. Overall, the site makes me feel relaxed and comfortable.

What Needs Improvement?

The animations can sometimes slow the experience down. They should limit them, especially as you are scrolling.
Navigation is already pretty strong, but putting just a bit more emphasis with slightly larger text would add benefits.
Fine Print on the Home Page
A large portion of the bottom half is covered with fine print. It would be less overwhelming if it was consolidated or moved to separate dedicated locations.
Product Pages
Viewing a product requires a lot of scrolling. Reducing the amount of scrolling required would make it quicker and easier for the user to see the product in its whole.

Vist Apple's Website!